Rules of the Road: E-Bike, E-Scooter Regulations & the Law

people outside on scooters

Hot items under many Christmas trees this year were electric scooters and e-bikes. Sales for these modern modes of transport have skyrocketed in recent years. And they are not just popular with preteens and young adults. Many adults utilize these electric vehicles as their main way of transportation on a daily basis. In many cities, you will see scooters lying on the sidewalk, waiting to be rented via an app or swipe of credit card. The questions is, how safe are electric scooters and e-bikes?

The U.S. National Transportation and Safety Board (NTSB) released the results of study last month that revealed somewhat shocking results. According to the study released by the Board, at least 119 people died while riding electric scooters or e-bikes from 2017 to 2021. It was noted that the numbers may be even higher because multiple government agencies have jurisdiction over electric scooters and bikes. The Board recommended coordination between the various entities in order to get a more accurate idea of how many deaths and injuries occur while using the e-scooters and e-bikes.

In many college towns and cities, the use of the e-scooters and bikes have exploded in the past three years. Unfortunately, there is little oversight on the safety of the devices as modes of transport. There is also little regulation on their operation and the use of safety equipment required while riding one. Questions regarding the requirement of registration or requiring mandatory liability insurance on the vehicles need to be answered. If a person is injured by someone negligently riding one of these vehicles, who is responsible for paying for the medical treatment for the injuries?

With the continuing use of e-bikes and e-scooters expected to continue to rapidly rise, it is likely more regulation and oversight will be needed to ensure the safety of riders and the public in general. It is apparent this convenient method of transport is not going away and likely become even more mainstream in the coming years.

If you were in a bicycle, e-scooter, or e-bike accident involving someone else and you feel it was their fault, consider consulting with Metzger Wickersham to know your rights. We are here to help answer questions and provide legal advice regarding your rights during a no-cost case evaluation. Call us at (888) 286-2850 or email us to schedule your free consultation today.

Sources: NTSB,

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