Metzger Wickersham Names ‘Road To Safety’ Scholarship Winners

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Metzger Wickersham, one of Pennsylvania’s oldest personal injury law firms, announced today the winners of its Road to Safety Scholarship Contest. The annual competition invites Pennsylvania high school seniors to submit creative projects that remind drivers of the dangers of driving under the influence or while distracted.

Carter Enders, a senior at Cedar Cliff High School in Camp Hill, received the first-place prize of $1,000 for his video submission titled “Distracted Driving: The Worst Combination.”

The second-place prize of $750 went to Logan Cordle of Moon Area High School in Moon Township, who submitted a video titled “Which Is Worse?

Josiah Keller of Penn Manor High School in Millersville won the third-place prize of $500 for his billboard design titled “Eyes Up.” (See here.)

“During decades of representing injured people from all walks of life, we have seen many times the painful results of impaired or distracted driving,” said attorney Clark DeVere, managing shareholder of Metzger Wickersham. “For more than 10 years now, we have asked high school seniors to help emphasize the importance of driving safely, and our winners this year again displayed creativity, compassion, and talent.”

PennDOT reported that distracted driving led to more than 11,000 crashes on Pennsylvania roads in 2023, more than 60 of which resulted in a fatality. Alcohol-related crashes, meanwhile, accounted for nearly 40 percent of the commonwealth’s traffic fatalities.