Dangerous Driving Conditions to Look for at the Start of Spring

Out with winter and in with spring! As the season starts to shift and flowers start to pop up, it also means new road hazards and dangerous driving conditions will pop up, too. Before you head out onto the road again, make sure you go over a few springtime driving safety tips from our Pennsylvania motor vehicle accident attorneys of Metzger Wickersham.

Three of the top springtime road hazards you should look for are:

  1. Black ice: Even though spring is starting to push out winter, there will still be many cold nights throughout Pennsylvania. After a rainy, cold night, ice can form in patches on the roads, especially in the early morning. Black ice is an ice patch that appears over asphalt, which makes it extremely difficult to spot at a distance. Drive extra carefully during cold nights and beware of bridges. Black ice most commonly forms on bridges, which tend to be much colder than surrounding roads.
  2. Potholes: Rainwater may refresh the greenery around your hometown, but it can be a serious problem for the roads. Water can seep down under asphalt and into the earth beneath the road if it rains heavily or often. After a while, the water below the surface grows and grows, swelling upwards and cracking the asphalt above. The end result is usually a large crack or pothole. Do not be surprised to find more potholes during the spring as rainy weather persists.
  3. “Slippery when wet” roads: Speaking of more rain in the spring, you should know that the first time it rains in a season is usually the most dangerous for driving. The rain will start to lift and wash away oils and debris stuck to the road during the winter. All of those contaminants can act as slicks on the road, making your tires lose traction and possibly causing a spin-out. Subsequent rains in the season should be less dangerous, though, because all of the oil and such will have already been washed away.

Legal Help You Can Count On After a Crash

Dangerous road conditions in the spring can be the cause of an unwanted car crash, but the blame may not always be fully placed on Mother Nature. Other parties could be partially liable for failing to upkeep roads, or handle other obligations. To get the guidance and help you need to see your claim through to the end with confidence, let Metzger Wickersham handle it. Our car accident lawyers serve clients throughout Pennsylvania, with over 135 years of experience to put to work for you.

Let’s talk about your car accident and legal options today. Call (888) 286-2850.

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